Young people, third places, and sense of community
Littman, D.M. (2024). Practices and settings which promote a psychological sense of community among young people who experience social marginalization: A scoping review. Children & Youth Services Review.
Littman, D.M., Milligan, T., Berry, R.+, Holloway, B., Scott, M.L. (2024). What do recently housed young people imagine for the future of third places? Using game-based inquiry to (re)imagine affirming, youth-centered third places. American Journal of Community Psychology.
Littman, D.M., Holloway, B., Cummings Melton, C., Teixeira, S. (2024). From contested spaces to choice-centered places: Using geographic interviews to understand young adults’ experiences in permanent supportive housing. Children’s Geographies.
Gearhart, M.C., & Littman, D.M. (2024). Assessing the emotional and behavioral impact of community and extracurricular activities, police contact, and collective efficacy among youth. Journal of Community Practice.
Littman, D.M. (2021). Third places, social capital, and sense of community as mechanisms of adaptive responding for young people who experience social marginalization. The American Journal of Community Psychology, 69(3-4), 436-450.
Littman, D. M. (2020). Third place theory and social work: Considering collapsed places. Journal of Social Work.
Support for young people experiencing homelessness
(*indicates co-authorship with community-based researchers)
Littman, D.M., Resing, K.+, Milligan, T., Williams, O., Bender, K. (2023). Sense of community among young adults before and after moving into permanent supportive housing: A mixed methods longitudinal analysis. Children and Youth Services Review.
Mollica, M.*, Littman, D.M., Marvin, C.*, Erangey, J.*, Lucas, T.*, Bender, K., & Milligan, T. (2023). “Like a weight off my shoulders”: Participating in peer support from the perspectives of young people experiencing homelessness. Journal of Community Psychology.
Erangey, J.*, Marvin, C.*, Littman, D.M., Mollica, M.*, Bender, C., Lucas, T.*, Milligan, T (2021). How do peer support specialists value self-directed growth over traditional change goals among young people experiencing homelessness? The Journal of Community Psychology, 50(4), 1935-1951.
Erangey, J.*, Marvin, C.*, Littman, D.M., Mollica, M.*, Bender, C., Lucas, T.*, Milligan, T. (2020). How peers initiate relationships with youth experiencing homelessness. Child and Youth Services Review, 119, 1-9.
Littman, D.M., DeChants, J., Shelton, J., Bender, K., Hsu, H-T., Narendorf, S.C., Barman-Adhikari, A., Ferguson, K.M., Prock, K.A., Santa Maria, D., Petering, R. (2020). The association between place stayed and self-identification as homeless among unstably housed young adults in seven U.S. cities. The Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, 31(1), 34-44.
Chassman, S., Littman, D. M., Bender, K., Santa Maria, D., Shelton, J., Ferguson, K., Hsu, H., Narendorf, S., Barman-Adhikari, A., & Petering, R. (2020). Educational attainment among young adults experiencing homelessness in seven cities across the United States. Child and Youth Services Review,119, 1-10.
Mutual aid amidst the COVID-19 pandemic [and beyond]
Dunbar, A.Z., Boyett, M., Littman, D.M., Bender, K., Melton, C.C., Saavedra, K., & Milligan, T. (2024). A message board from the future: Signals of mutual aid futures from U.S. based organizers during COVID-19. [accepted, Futures].
Karaya, M.+, Holloway, B., Littman, D.M., Melton, Colleen C., Bender, K., Sarantakos, S. (2023). “F*ck capitalism:” Mutual aid participants’ experiences of burnout during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Abolitionist Perspectives in Social Work.
Littman, D.M., Boyett, M., Bender, K., Dunbar, Z., Hostetter, R., Morris, K., Holloway, B., Sarantakos, S. (2023). How do participants conceptualize mutual aid in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic? A critical phenomenological analysis. The Journal of Community Practice.
Bender, K., Saavedra, K., Milligan, T., Littman, D.M., Dunbar, A. Z., Boyett, M., Holloway, B. (2023). How mutual aid participation developed social bonds and sense of collective responsibility in the early months of COVID-19. American Journal of Community Psychology.
Dunbar, A.Z., Littman, D.M., Boyett, M., Bender, K., Saavedra, K., Melton, Colleen C., Milligan, T., Bogle, C. (2023). Using foresight practice to imagine the future(s) of mutual aid. Social Work and Society.
Bender, K., Littman, D.M., Dunbar, Z., Boyett, M., Milligan, T., Santarella, M., Becker-Hafnor, T. (2021). Rapid Emergent Media Scan of Digital Mutual Aid Organizing during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Journal of Community Practice, 29(3), 280-298.
Littman, D.M., Boyett, M., Bender, K., Dunbar, A.Z., Santarella, M., Becker-Hafnor, T., Saavedra, K., Milligan, T. (2021). Values and beliefs underlying mutual aid: An exploration of collective care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal for the Society of Social Work and Research.
Participatory action research (PAR) methodology
(*indicates co-authorship with community-based researchers)
Littman, D.M., Ortega-Williams, A., Beltrán, R., Wagaman, A., Bender, K., Wernick, L. (2023). Navigating, subverting, and replacing conventional academic structures and expectations to co-create with PAR teams: Where to for PAR scholarship? Journal of Community Practice.
Littman, D.M., Bender, K., Mollica, M.*, Erangey, J.*, Lucas, T.*, Marvin, C.* (2020). Making power explicit: Using power and values mapping on power-diverse participatory action research (PAR) teams. The Journal of Community Psychology, 49(2), 266 282.
Prison arts programming & Restorative practices
Littman, D.M., Valdovinos, M., Sliva, S.M. (2023) “He went from being a monster to a person:” Using narrative analysis to explore how victim-offender dialogue (VOD) participants transform through the VOD process. Qualitative Social Work.
Littman, D.M., Sliva, S., Lin, J. (2021). Closer to the problem: Can a virtual prison arts event foster psychological proximity to the issue of incarceration? Contemporary Justice Review, 25(1), 4-23.
Littman, D.M., and Sliva, S. (2020). “The walls came down:” A multi-site mixed-methods evaluation of a prison arts program. Justice Evaluation Journal, 4(2), 237-259.
Littman, D.M., and Sliva, S. (2020). Prison arts program outcomes: A scoping review. The Journal of Correctional Education.
Reflexive practice for practitioners
Hammoor, C., & Littman, D.M. (2022). Unrehearsed moments: Interstices of policy, preparation, and reflexivity. Arts Education Policy Review.
Littman, D. (2018). Reflective practice and psychodynamic understanding. The Advocate’s Forum, pp. 49-58. Reflective Practice and Psychodynamic Understanding | Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice (
Social work futures
Littman, D.M., Bell, F., Al Wazni, A., Speck Glennon, A., Young, J., Goldkind, L., Prussia, L., Nissen, L. (2024). Pedagogies of possibility: Case studies from using foresight tools in the social work classroom. Social Work Education.
Nissen, L., Beaudoin, L., Bell, F., Bradley, S., Brooks, L.A., Dunagan, J., Littman, D. M. (2023). Using futures thinking to imagine the evolution of anti-racism practice in social work: Four scenarios that may or may not involve a future of the profession. In L.S. Abrams, S.E. Crewe, A.J. Dettlaff, J.H. Williams (Eds.), Social Work, White Supremacy, and Racial Justice: Reckoning with Our History, Interrogating our Present, Re-Imagining our Future. Oxford University Press.